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Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)

RTX Real-Time Operating System

RTX Real-Time Operating System

The Keil RTX is a royalty-free, deterministic Real-Time Operating System designed for ARM and Cortex-M devices. It allows you to create programs that simultaneously perform multiple functions and helps to create applications which are better structured and more easily maintained.


  • Royalty-free, deterministic RTOS with source code1)
  • Flexible Scheduling: round-robin, pre-emptive, and collaborative
  • High-Speed real-time operation with low interrupt latency
  • Small footprint for resource constrained systems
  • Unlimited number of tasks each with 254 priority levels
  • Unlimited number of mailboxes, semaphores, mutex, and timers
  • Support for multithreading and thread-safe operation
  • Kernel aware debug support in MDK-ARM
  • Dialog-based setup using µVision Configuration Wizard


While it is certainly possible to create real-time programs without an RTOS (by executing one or more functions in a Super-loop), there are numerous scheduling, maintenance, and timing issues that an RTOS like the Keil RTX solves for you. For a more detailed comparison between RTOS and Super-loop, take a look at the advantages of using an RTOS.

Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)

RTX Source code is included in all MDK-ARM Editions.


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en/rtos/rtx-kernel.txt · Последнее изменение: 2015/07/10 22:37 —

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